We want to inform you of all the measures that we are going to implement to guarantee that your personal data is perfectly protected. Confidentiality and security are Holdmin's core values and, consequently, we are committed to guaranteeing your privacy at all times and not collecting unnecessary information. Below, we provide you with all the necessary information about our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data we collect, explaining:

We have adapted this privacy policy to the requirements of this regulation:

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data? in accordance with the GDPR:

Identity: HOLDMIN SL, owner of the website https://holdmin.com/ (hereinafter, the Company).
Registered office: Calle Casp 118, 08013 Barcelona (Spain)
Phone: +34930464394
Email: [email protected]

For what purpose do we process your personal data?
The data that we collect and process is merely of an identifying nature. We do not collect data that is specially protected or related to special categories of data.

Holdmin SL collects your personal data to provide a means for you to contact us, answer your requests for information, enable the provision of services, manage the contracted services and the collections and payments as a result of them and sending communications. commercial.

Specifically, Holdmin SL processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  1. Communicate with you: Respond to queries, questions or requests made through the service or communication channels on the Holdmin SL website and contact you to solve them.
  2. Improve the Holdmin SL Platform, as well as its services and products, in order to offer a better service and content.
  3. To analyze visit metrics of our websites.
  4. Offer access to restricted areas of the Holdmin SL website.
  5. Manage your registration as a USER on the Holdmin SL website.
  6. To send you informative and/or commercial communications by e-mail about activities, initiatives or programs that may be of interest to you.
  7. Conduct studies for statistical purposes.
  8. Keep the data of the USER updated.
  9. Manage billing and accounting purposes.
  10. Comply with tax obligations.
  11. Comply with the current legal framework.
  12. Manage the data to send commercial information.

In the forms on the Holdmin SL website, it will be necessary for the USER to fill in the fields that Holdmin SL requires as mandatory since, otherwise, the USER will not be able to be registered. The USER must communicate to Holdmin SL their current personal data so that the information contained in their files is updated and without errors.

How long will we keep your data?
We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary so that Holdmin SL can comply with our legal or regulatory obligations during the prescription periods applicable in current regulations.

Holdmin SL will periodically carry out an analysis of the data retention periods, ex officio deleting those data whose information has become obsolete or outdated.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The provision of personal data requires a minimum age of 16 years, or, where appropriate, have sufficient legal capacity to contract.

The personal data requested is necessary to manage your requests and/or provide you with the services you may contract, so if you do not provide it to us, we will not be able to attend you correctly or provide you with the service you have requested. The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent that you give us, expressly accepting this privacy policy. 

The processing of your personal data may be necessary on occasions to comply with certain legal obligations, or in relation to any contractual relationship that Holdmin SL may have with you as a USER. We may keep your data for statistical purposes, maintenance of our systems, improve our website and your experience, improve USER service; as well as improve the detection and correction of errors and the provision of our services.

In all other cases, and whenever appropriate, Holdmin SL will request your consent to process your personal data.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?
Your data is confidential and will not be transferred to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation. 

We inform you that certain data, within the framework of current regulations or the contractual relationship you maintain with Holdmin SL, may be communicated to: 

What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?
Anyone can withdraw their consent at any time, when it has been granted for the processing of their data. In no case, the withdrawal of this consent conditions the execution of the subscription contract or the relationships generated previously.

Likewise, you can exercise the following rights:

Where and how to request your rights: By means of a letter addressed to the person in charge at his postal or electronic address (indicated in the first section), indicating the reference "Personal Data", specifying the right that you want to exercise and with respect to what personal data.

In case of disagreements with Holdmin SL in relation to the processing of your data, you can file a claim with the Data Protection Authority (www.agpd.es). 

Accuracy and veracity of the data
You are solely responsible for the accuracy, veracity, validity and correctness of the data you provide us, so you exonerate us from any responsibility in this regard and you agree to keep them duly updated.

Modifications in the privacy policy
Holdmin SL reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as industry practices.

In addition, this privacy policy may vary depending on legislative requirements or self-regulation, so we advise you to visit it periodically.Security measures
Your personal data will be processed by Holdmin SL under the strictest confidentiality, applying the corresponding technical and organizational security measures in accordance with current regulations.

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